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Fitrana (Sadqa-e-Fitr) Rate in Pakistan
If you want to know that how much Fitrana 2019 Pakistan or Fitra Rate Pakistan 2019 Amount Fixed Per Head then we can tell you the answer of this question! It is Rs 100. It is seen that many of the Muslism fail to fast, they fail to fast in their fasting month. So to compensate this loss, it is important and essential for the Muslims to give fidya. Through this fitra, their loss will be compensated. so lets clear for Fitra Rate Pakistan Zakat Fitrah Rates in further. Fitra Rate Pakistan 2019 available here at this page.
It has been advised by the Chairman Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee who is Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman that the fixed amount of Roza Fidya is Rs. 100 per head basis. But if you are more financial capable then you can give more fidya. If you will miss a single fast of yours then you have to give Rs 100 to the needy person out there. If you fail to fast for 30 days then you have to give this lumpsum amount of Rs 3000 to the deserving and needy people out there. You can give an excess amount as well.

The rest of the Fitrana details are that Muslims can give cash equivalent to the prices of barley, dates and raisins as well. If they want to give donation which is equivalent to the price of barley then Muslims have to give Rs 320 daily.
If they want to compensate this loss of fasting then they can give Rs 1680 or Rs 1600, these costs and prices are equivalent to the prices of dates and raisins. You should be handing over this Sadqa-e-Fitr before Eid.
If you do have any of the excessive amount of Food items then you can also donate them. It is in the month of Ramadan where we get this chancel to help destitute and needy persons. We should remain generous enough to help them as much as we can. This fitrana is given in the form of meal costs. it is all about Fitra Rate Pakistan 2019
If you are one of the Wealthier individuals then you should be extend your help and you should give more and more donation. This fidya is one of the most generous and easiest ways to compensate the loss of our missed fasts. We will further tell you about this concept so stay tuned with us. More ramadan details 2017 and fidya concept information is coming up.
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