shab e meraj 2019 in india, shab e meraj 2019 date, shab e meraj 2018 in india, shab e meraj 2018 date, shab e meraj 2018 date in india, shab e miraj 2018, history shab e meraj, shab e meraj 2019 date in india
When Is Shab e Meraj 2019?
3rd April, WednesdayLailat al Miraj
Shab-e-meraj is also Known as Lailat al Meraj. In 2019 it is on Wednesday, 3rd April 2019. The holiday
begins on the sunset of the previous day, so observing Muslims will celebrate
this festival on the sunset of Tuseday, 2nd April.

This festival is always on the same day of the Islamic calendar, the date
on the Gregorian calendar varies from year to year, as the Gregorian calendar
is a solar calendar and the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar. This
difference means that Lailat al meraj moves in the Gregorian calendar
approximately 11 days every year. The date of celebration varies from country
to country depending on whether the moon has been sighted or not.
See Also: Shab-e-Meraj 2019 Quotes, SMS, Sayings, Ibadat and Whatsapp Status [ Video ]
shab e-meraj is a holiday which is on the 27th day of the month of Rajab –
which is the seventh month of the Islamic calendar or between April and May on
the Gregorian calendar. It is the day which also known as Isra and Mi’raj or
Al-Isra’ wal meraj, that marks the night that Allah took Mohammad from Mecca to
Jerusalem and eventually, to heaven. It is celebrated by Muslims all over the
world including the mid-east, Indonesia, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom
and the united states.
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